The Process offers Stages for persons to enter as they are ready for further knowledge and preparation towards receiving the sacraments.
Stages of the Process are: Pre-Catechumenate: beginning stage, lasts as long as person needs, focused on questions, personal experience of God’s Presence, an introduction to Christian principles and Christ’s teachings through scripture, prayer and community.
Catechumenate: the stage of major content for learning the doctrine of the Catholic Church, preparing for the sacraments and acknowledging a personal relationship with Christ through prayer and service.
Purification & Enlightenment: experienced during Lent, a retreat like stage of further reflection through prayer, scripture and final preparation for receiving of the sacraments.
Mystagogia:the final stage of the process where a person discerns the service they are called to in the church.This stage is formally for one year following initiation.
For days and times to join and begin the process: *Because of the varied ages the sessions are on different days and times for the stages of the process. *The process for the adults is year around, meaning that one can call and enter at any time of the year, allowing more freedom of time during the stages. *The process for the children and youth meets from October through May, also allowing the freedom of time needed in any of the stages for each person.
To Begin the Process it is necessary to set up an appointment. For information call the parish office, 408-265-4040