About Anointing of the Sick Whenever someone is faced with a sickness, a suffering, or a diagnosis of a disease, there is this fear that seems to haunt us-- "the fear of death." Why? I think it is because illness, to whatever degree it may be experienced, confronts us with our own powerlessness and limitations. Sickness can sometimes lead us to face our own mortality-- we experience a truly human emotion-- "the fear of death."
As Christians, we are invited to look beyond the anguish and despair, that the face of sickness presents to us. It is from this "eye of faith" that Christians can see in their sickness and suffering, something more and greater than the physical and emotional pain which attaches itself to our human frailties which are burdened with illnesses of whatever kind.
The Church throughout its history has taken a special care to be mindful of the sick. And that is why the Church believes that among the seven sacraments, there is one especially intended to strengthen those who are ill, those who suffer under the burden of years, and those who battle disease that threaten their health.
And so whenever the Church celebrates this sacrament, either in a hospital, a private home, or in the midst of our Sunday Eucharist, as we do today, it is the whole Church, the entire Body of Christ, who commends those who are ill to the suffering and glorified Lord, that he may raise them up and save them.
The "miraculous healings" of Jesus announced to the world a more radical healing that was to take place in his victory over sin and death through his Passion. On the cross, Christ took to upon himself the "sins of the world"-- of which sickness are a consequence, and he gave a new meaning to suffering-- a meaning which unfolds before us in the sacrament we celebrate today.
Contacting Us for the Sacrament or for Care If you or someone you know is need of someone to bring you holy communion, provide support, care and consolation during a period of grief or recovery, perhaps, receive some one-to-one Christian care giving ministry for those experiencing life’s hurts and struggles, and yes, to celebrate the sacrament anointing of the sick, please call the Parish Office (408) 265-4040, and we will get in you contact with one of our many pastoral care ministers.