If you didn't get a chance to order a brick for the Bell Plaza area last year, brick sales is once again open. Here's a link to the
Brick Order Form. Click on the link, print it out and submit it to the parish office with payment as soon as you are able.
Click on the following link to watch a video of the Ribbon Cutting on March 3: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/s3agyxmsik9rlv0b9wch4/Video-Mar-03-2024-10-49-16-AM.mov?rlkey=em3t1v2k5r4akysbzs0cgqahj&dl=0
Current Parish Office Hours:
as of 10/2022 until further notice
Monday-Friday 10am-12pm & 1pm-5pm
Sunday 10am-1pm
Please feel free to call us: 408-265-4040.
If you have a life-or-death need that requires a priest, please call: 408-622-5167.
Contact Us for more information.
Resumption of Public Masses This link will give you the latest information regarding our public masses.
Reservations are not required.
We live stream Masses at the following times:
Or Visit our FaceBook Page
Our Bishop Oscar Cantu has put out a letter about the lifting of the dispensation for Sunday and Holy Day Mass attendance which went into effect on March 6, 2022. Please click here to read it in its entirety.
Changes that are implemented at Holy Family with this transition to "endemic" time as of March 6, 2022:
If you need to report financial misconduct of school or church property go to: http://www.dsj.org/about-us/report-financial-mismanagement/
For violations of the Safe Environment Program you may contact the Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Office at 1-408-983-0144 or [email protected].